Prep Day 3 10.01.08

Today is Day 3 and I am felling really good.

I think a lot of me feeling this well has to do with preparation.

I really spent a lot of time looking up things on this diet, and it was hard to find. This is part of the reason I started this blog. What I did find were a few good boards with in and support groups. Now, I typically hate support groups, but they did have some great advice.

How did I prepare for my diet? I started eating differently a month before I started. I knew that portions were going to be small, so I started eating less. I really looked at what I was putting into my mouth and started eating every 3 hours. I tried to make each meal be about 300-400 calories and had 5-6 meals a day eating about 1600 calories. Only eating 1200 and I didn't lose. I have a fast metabolism, so I need more.

I also started looking at what my meals were made up of. I was eating way too many carbs and not enough protein. I also rarely ate fruit or veggies, so I started working these into my diet.

I did lose 10 lbs in a month doing this. It also gave me a good jumping off point to start the Dr. Cohen Diet.

Ok well that is enough for my tip of the day.

Here is what I ate:

M1 - Apples finely chopped into yogurt
S1 - Apple 1L Water
M2 - Turkey and Cauliflower
S2 - Apple
M3 - Lettuce and Tuna
1L Water at bed

I had forgot my crackers at home, which I will not do again. I want to at least keep a few 'bread' carbs around.


Little Joy said...

I was wondering how you are doing now. Still on the diet? I started in January and lost 25 kilos. :D
So no complaints here..hahahah
greets from holland.